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Troops Fully Alive is the national association of the Catholic troops of Trail Life USA—those chartered by parishes, schools, and other Catholic institutions. Our purpose is to promote Trail Life USA among the Catholic faithful as an effective form of youth ministry.

American Heritage Girls (AHG) was founded by a group of parents wanting a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters in 1995. The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.

Visit – http://www.ahgonline.org

AHG National Catholic Committee

AHG Catholic Faith Awards Summary

AHG Catholic Faith Patches-Medals Order Form

Order AHG Catholic Faith Award Books


Girl Scouts of Western Ohio

Catholic Committee on Girl Scouting Archdiocese of Cincinnati

To sustain and strengthen the relationship between Girl Scouts of Western Ohio and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  

The Catholic Committee on Girl Scouting promotes and develops Catholic Girl Scouting as a support for youth evangelization efforts through leadership development, and by promoting, supporting, and administering Catholic religious awards earned by Girl Scouts. The Committee works to inspire Catholic Girl Scouts to become stronger members of their faith, and to prepare them to live their values with a sense of mission -as Catholics and Girl Scouts.