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Couples Preparing for Marriage


This is an exciting time filled with many blessings and preparations. The steps below will help you in your Catholic Marriage Preparation Process.

1. As  soon as possible after your engagement, contact your parish and set up a meeting with a priest or deacon.  He will walk you through the following steps to assist you in preparing for a life-long and joy-filled marriage.

2. Complete one of the following marriage preparation inventories and participate in follow up:

3. Genesis Retreat (2020 Pre-Cana, see below)

4. Complete a course in Natural Family Planning through one of the following NFP providers:

Recommended activities:

  • Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Pray as a couple daily
  • Participate in on-going events for married couples at your parishes or neighboring parishes.

Check out these Frequently Asked Questions by Engaged Couples.