This is an exciting time filled with many blessings and preparations. The steps below will help you in your Catholic Marriage Preparation Process.
1. As soon as possible after your engagement, contact your parish and set up a meeting with a priest or deacon. He will walk you through the following steps to assist you in preparing for a life-long and joy-filled marriage.
2. Complete one of the following marriage preparation inventories and participate in follow up:
3. Genesis Retreat (2020 Pre-Cana, see below)
4. Complete a course in Natural Family Planning through one of the following NFP providers:
- Couple to Couple League
- Creighton Model
- Billings Ovulation Method
- For a list of upcoming Natural Family Planning courses, please click this link. Please check this website regularly, as the list is being revised on a regular basis.
Recommended activities:
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Pray as a couple daily
- Participate in on-going events for married couples at your parishes or neighboring parishes.
Check out these Frequently Asked Questions by Engaged Couples.

Adriana Vasquez
Contact Me For:
• Information about the marriage catechumenate and sexual ethics
• Questions about fertility awareness and Natural Family Planning
• Support to any married couples facing the cross of infertility and miscarriage
Bio: My role at the Center is to offer leadership formation on marriage and family and all related topics, including Natural Family Planning in Spanish and English. It is a great joy to work with newly engaged and married couples and teach my Catholic faith at the same time.
A Little About Me: My husband Samuel, who is managing director of Hispanic Evangelization, and I married in 2010 and we are blessed with two children. I love playing with my kids, making pilgrimages to Marian shrines, listening to and playing classical music, reading novels, and making/eating guacamole (my favorite food).
Favorite Saint: Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Elizabeth of Hungary and St. John Paul II (three way tie!)
Favorite Bible verse: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38)

Katie Englefield
Contact me for:
- Information regarding the Genesis marriage prep retreat
- Becoming a presenting couple for a Genesis retreat
- Hosting a Genesis retreat at your parish
- Becoming a mentor couple to walk with an engaged couple
Bio: My role at the Center is to coordinate Genesis, the marriage preparation program at the Archdiocese. I also organize mentor couples to walk with couples during their engagement. With over 17 years of catechetical experience, including youth, young adult and marriage and family ministry, I look forward to helping couples deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and one another.
A Little About Me:I am originally from San Diego, CA, and after meeting my husband Josh as an undergrad at Franciscan University, decided to stay in the Midwest. After 17 years of marriage we are both proud Ohioans and parents to five wonderful children. I am a road trip fanatic, classic literature enthusiast and a gatherer of people around the dinner table.
Favorite Saint: St. Catherine of Siena
Favorite Bible Verse: "We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28