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Young Adult

Young Adult

Un espacio de encuentro personal con Dios por medio de la adoración de Nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, para jóvenes adultos y asimismo una experiencia de fraternidad con jóvenes hispanos de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati por medio de la música católica. Este evento es gratuito y habrá bocadillos.



St William Church (4108 W. 8th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45205)

Sábado, 24 de febrero del 2024

7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Por favor regístrate para propósitos de planeación.

Wondering how to respond more deeply to your vocation as a young adult Catholic? The Young Adult Evangelization Team of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Center for the New Evangelization is hosting a seven-week formation series throughout the Easter season to do a deep-dive into understanding our life of faith through the lens of Relationship, Identity, and Mission.

Have you been seeking an opportunity to think through questions like:

  • “How do I deepen my relationships with God and the other most important people in my life?”
  • “What does it mean for my vocation that I’m drawn to certain things, have developed particular skills, and find myself in a particular time and place?”
  • “How am I called to respond to my vocation now, rather than living my life on hold until I ‘figure out’ God’s plan for my life?”

This series will present theological and philosophical principles, useful tools for discernment, and conversations with young adults and mentors who are putting it all into practice.

Dates of Formation Series: Wednesdays, April 12 – May 24, 2023

Please see this FLYER for more information, including a detailed description of the series and the topics that will be discussed.



Join us for a luncheon offering formation on the beauty of the Church’s teachings on sexual identity with tips for accompaniment. This event is geared toward parents, educators, or parish catechists – anyone desiring formation on this important topic. Keynote presentation by Damon & Melanie Owens, founders of Joyful Ever After and involved in various marriage enrichment initiatives. Melanie and Damon, who have been married for 28 years, have trained over 20,000 couples in marriage, Natural Family Planning, and Theology of the Body.

There is no child care, however mothers with infants are welcome.  Cost for the luncheon is $10.00.


Experience the Mass in a beautiful way. The Dayton Catholic Young Adults invites you to join them at Our Lady of the Rosary in Dayton, OH on the third Thursday of every month to celebrate the liturgy with young adults. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for personal prayer. Social follows at Lock 27 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Experience the Mass in a beautiful way. The Dayton Catholic Young Adults invites you to join them at Our Lady of the Rosary in Dayton, OH on the third Thursday of every month to celebrate the liturgy with young adults. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for personal prayer. Social follows at Lock 27 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Experience the Mass in a beautiful way. The Dayton Catholic Young Adults invites you to join them at Our Lady of the Rosary in Dayton, OH on the third Thursday of every month to celebrate the liturgy with young adults. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for personal prayer. Social follows at Lock 27 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.