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How do you find the right kind of volunteers to help with youth ministry? How can I help teachers in my school to do better retreat ministry? How do you form a core team of volunteers for parish youth ministry?

The VIA team frequently fields these types of questions, so we know there is a desire amongst the youth and campus ministers with the Archdiocese to grow their base of disciple-makers. In VIA, we hold that fruitful mission flows out of a Christ-centered community, one that is devoted to sharing in life, prayer, and formation.

Equip provides youth and campus ministers with resources aimed at helping these leaders to better recruit, accompany, cultivate, and form their volunteers.

The Equip Formation Series is designed to allow a youth or campus minister to facilitate an in-person formation program for his/her volunteers. Each training session contains short teaching segments designed to convey essential information and to foster both personal reflection and group discussion. The sessions are highly interactive and they don’t shy away from the depth that many people are looking for.

Leader Guides: Each session comes with a downloadable Leader Guide. Our Leader Guides are 1-2 page documents to simply walk a leader through the necessary steps contained within the session.

Session Format: Each session is designed to take 60-75 minutes, and consists of several video clips, prompts for personal reflection, and group sharing.

Intended Outcome:  To cultivate movement within a parish or school’s youth evangelizing team by helping a youth or campus minister to foster experiences of shared life, shared prayer, and formation with his or her volunteers.

Click below for sessions