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St. Margaret of York

Run Alpha Training

St. Margaret of York 9495 Columbia Rd, Loveland, OH, United States

This is an interactive training to experience what it is like to run Alpha.  Alpha is a space for people outside of the church to explore faith within the context of the local church. Gather with other churches and leaders from across the region for an interactive training to develop an understanding of Alpha and […]

2022 Lenten Retreat: A God Who Hears His People

St. Margaret of York 9495 Columbia Rd, Loveland, OH, United States

Parish priests and staffs are encouraged to join us for a day of personal reflection and healing around the changes in parish structures by creating a space of listening, hospitality, and encounter with the Holy Spirit.  The day will be hosted by Josh Danis (Alpha in a Catholic Context) and the Center for the New […]


Youth & Family Masses

St. Margaret of York 9495 Columbia Rd, Loveland, OH, United States

In partnership with NET Ministries, these Youth & Family Masses are geared toward engaging our Jr High Youth (and their entire family) in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass through Worship and a Youth-Focused Homily. Additionally, the evening will include a brief social and a reflection for diving deeper. Due to COVID restrictions, we require […]
